Never forget

Just a quick thought. I was watching ESPN, and I saw the Saints are home tonight. More importantly, I saw that it was being treated as a football game.
That's important. There's a long way to go to rebuild New Orleans, but the fact that this game is important as much because the Saints need a win as it is because the city needs some good vibes is a good sign.
Or maybe it means we have short attention spans. So if you get a chance, find U2 and Greenday from the night they reopened the Superdome. It will give you chills. Then read the story I wrote about what CCSU did to raise money for the relief efforts. It was touching stuff.
More importantly, remember that there are always people who need our help and that, in the grand scheme of things, there are bigger things in the world than who wins the football game tonight.

Here's the link to that story I wrote:

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