Catching up

Howdy my blogging buddies. Just checking in.
First off, I agree with J.J., the fake FG wasn't necessary. My fear with those kinds of things is that you risk giving up too much of a swing in momentum. I'd rather pooch punt if you don't want to go for it.
Now in coach McInerney's defense, Central has been really good at those over the years, I just think it's a risk-reward thing.
I'll say this though: I don't agree that the Blue Devils let up Saturday. I think this team just can't stop the run, and they cheated up to try and slow Larry McCoy down and that let the Dukes hit a couple of deep ones. How many times has Central won a game late with that same plan? Remember 19-0 here against Monmouth?
I also don't blame Central for trying to run the ball down the stretch there. One of the best running programs in all of FCS couldn't get 10 yards on 3 plays. That doesn't make it a bad set of play calls, especially since throwing it stops the clock if you don't convert.
As for the penalty, I think it was the right call. The ref had it all the way, he threw his hat down well before the ball was caught.
Did Central get lucky? A little. But you need a little luck along the way.
That said, now comes the big stretch. Can Central win the league now that it got through the first portion of the league schedule unbeaten? Absolutely.
Will they? I'm not ready to say that. Not when I truly believe the other team can run it at will.
Of course, so usually can the Blue Men Group.

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